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DerSecur demonstrates instant app vulnerability check at GITEX

DerSecur, a global provider of application security solutions, brings to GITEX its flagship product. DerScanner combines static (SAST), dynamic (DAST) and software composition (SCA) analysis methods in a single interface, making a vulnerability check of an app or an online service precise and intuitive.

Visitors of the exhibition would get a sneak peek preview of the app functionality right at the booth: DerScanner is able to perform a code check of the app taken right from the popular App shops like Apple Store or Google Play. Any GITEX participant is invited to come by the booth and make a quick instant vulnerability check of his published app, laying ground for a better security defense of the product.

In the era of digital competition, it becomes critical to ensure an uninterrupted operation of apps and online services. DerSecur is aimed at providing support to the companies in a digital transition, when they want to quickly release an online feature or an app, pushing to speed up the IT development process. As the vulnerabilities in the app code directly affect IT system performance, sensitive data confidentiality, and the financial safety of organizations and their customers, the reliable security solution is crucial. DerScanner is un ultimate security product for the companies which store or process personal, financial, and sensitive data online, including online retailers, online banking, and mobile e-commerce. It allows to check apps for vulnerabilities and undocumented features left by developers, even if source code is unavailable, and complies with software code analysis standards, including PCI DSS, OWASP, and HIPAA.


“We are thrilled to be part of one of the biggest events for cybersecurity in the region. The increasing interest of the companies to GITEX demonstrates how much UAE is progressing in terms of digital innovations and security. We bring to the table our comprehensive security solution for apps and online services and believe that the simple, intuitive, and effective product that we offer can bring value to the thousands of web and app developers and help digital services thrive”, said Dan Chernov, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of DerScanner. 


DerSecur is going to be present at GITEX for the second time. UAE and Dubai are in the focus of the company as the region sees the boom of digital solutions with one of the highest smartphones adoption levels in the world and 60% of the entire Middle East app business, according to the research data by the local app developer. With the big demand for digitalization and the huge volume of the IT development, companies are looking for an all-in-one reliable security solution. DerScanner is designed to conduct all the necessary tests to identify existing issues. Static application security testing module (SAST) identifies vulnerabilities in both source code and executables, while the integration module with the DAST product allows a full-fledged dynamic analysis of web applications. Dynamic analysis projects can also be linked to static analysis projects to correlate their results. The SCA module allows to conduct a full-fledged analysis of the software composition and searches for vulnerabilities and undocumented features in third-party components.


DerSecur booth H24-B15 is located in Hall 24 of the Cyber Valley, Za’abeel Hall 4 .

About DerSecur:

DerSecur has been engaged in advanced technology activities in the field of Application Security since 2011. Originating at the research institute for fundamental and applied research in computer science, our code analysis technologies are now used in 30+ countries around the world. At the present time, our team consists of 70 scientists and researchers.

DerScanner is a high-tech comprehensive application security solution that combines static (SAST), dynamic (DAST) and software composition (SCA) analysis methods in a single interface. DerScanner allows to identify vulnerabilities and undocumented features in the code of mobile and web applications.

DerScanner is a unique tool that is able to analyze both source and binary code. It is the world leader in the number of supported programming languages (36 languages) that can also understand polyglot applications and significantly reduces false positives with its own Fuzzy Logic Engine patented technology.

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