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DerScanner provides a secure development process for a major auto parts dealer in the UAE has implemented a comprehensive DerScanner solution for security control of self-written IT systems that automate business processes (CRM). The tool is integrated into secure development processes and allows to identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in the code at all stages of creating an IT product.

"When developing our internal software solutions, we rely on leading technologies, this also applies to the security of our software products," said Nalin Kirulapanage, Head of Operations. – This gives confidence in their reliability. DerScanner now acts as the core of the secure development processes that we have implemented in our company. One of the advantages of the tool is the ease of deployment and integration due to the capabilities that are embedded in it. The quality and responsiveness of DerScanner's technical support was also one of the deciding factors for us when choosing this software security control solution."

CRM systems have a complex multi-level architecture, they store data on all interactions with customers, as well as internal documentation of the company. If confidential information falls into the hands of fraudsters or competitors, it will lead to serious financial and reputational losses. A reliable and secure CRM system can save an entrepreneur's business.

DerScanner is a comprehensive solution that combines SAST, DAST and SCA modules in a single interface. The solution can be used both as a separate tool for scanning code, and as a central element of secure development processes.

"Colleagues from have previously paid a lot of attention to the security of their software solutions. I am sure that the introduction of DerScanner will allow them to make the secure development processes established in the company even more effective, – Dan Chernov, DerScanner CEO. – In order for the speed of introduction of new technologies not to negatively affect the security of IT systems, it is necessary to pay attention to application security, and one of the most important aspects of its provision is software code analysis ".

The extensive capabilities of DerScanner allow to integrate it with repositories, development environments, bug tracking systems and CI/CD services. Maximum automation and continuity of the vulnerability detection and remediation process is now a necessity for the comprehensive security of companies.

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