TypeScript : Incorrect usage of global object



ECMAScript provides several global objects. Some of these objects look like constructors, but in fact they are not.Some of these objects look as if they could be constructors due their capitalization (such as Math and JSON) but will throw an error if you try to execute them as functions.

In ECMAScript 5.1, Object.create was added, which enables the creation of objects with a specified [[Prototype]]. Object.create(null) provides a number of methods for working with these prototypes.

If global objects directly use methods from Object.prototype, this can lead to errors.

The following methods are the most dangerous in this case:

  1. hasOwnProperty
  2. isPrototypeOf
  3. propertyIsEnumerable


  1. MDN web docs: Math
  2. MDN web docs: JSON
  3. Stack Overflow: hasOwnProperty
  4. Stack Overflow: method confusion